Prime Good Dads

Prime Good Dads supports drivers and families with information, training, and resources designed to help them strengthen their connection and improve their communication. 

Primed for Life – A Mental Health Resource for All Drivers

Driving over the road can be stressful. Drivers must be aware of their surroundings, the things they have to do, situations at home, and other difficult personal situations. Anxiety, depression, relationship concerns, and sadness are all side effects that can occur with our brain must process too much information at one time.
Primed for Life offers an affordable, convenient way for drivers to talk to licensed professionals who will help them sort through important issues in their lives. Whether discussing breathing techniques to bring down one’s blood pressure, or communication advice to help a struggling relationship, the counselors at Primed for Life, are there to help Prime drivers.

Free Truck Decal

Prime Associates, Sign-up for the Prime Good Dads Newsletter and receive a Prime Good Dads Truck Decal.

Dad jokes


Michael Gray missed out on a big chunk of his kids’ childhoods. Because he was incarcerated for most of his 20s and struggling with addiction, Michael said he didn’t know much about being a dad.
Dads make a huge impact on their kids' wellbeing for their whole lives. Uncover the difference dads make, especially for babies in their first year of life.
Finding ways to connect with your new bundle of joy isn't always easy. If you're struggling to connect with your new son or daughter, you are not alone! Find four Good Dads tips for first-time fathers.


